Thursday, March 5, 2015


When SAKIS informed me about his new cd I declared that it would be my pleasure to hear it. A few days later I had it on my hands and from the first listen and on every occasion I kept listening again and again to his new compositions devoting them their unique given time as indeed any good music deserves. In his second release called “SOUNDAYS” SAKIS ZACHARIADES, accompanied by the exceptional soloists STELIOS TSOMPANIDES on drums, DIMITRIS CHRISTONIS on bass and PHILLIPOS KOSTAVELIS on keyboards, presents a circle of compositions with jazz, rock and fusion elements. The listening of each composition affirmed, in the best way, the exceptional maturity of the assets ten years before I had the pleasure to distinguish on SAKIS when I first heard his participation in the PANHELLENIC competition “MAKEMUSIC” which I had the responsibility of organizing. In the compositional and improvisational section SAKIS ZACHARIADES moves, with class and self-confidence, into specifically challenging music genres, managing to gain my admiration. Beyond that, both his music composition and performance brings an aura that in a magical way manages to be imprinted on the cd too. I am wishing soulfully to SAKIS and his soloists that accompany him, in the same way they earned my admiration through the listening of the record, to gain the audience in their live performances.

Educator, Project Manager, Music technology consultant, Author, Composer, Producer.

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